Giving a voice to kids with Down syndrome

UpsideDowns News

The latest news from UpsideDowns

Christmas Card Workshop

UpsideDowns was recently visited by one of our favourite Christmas helpers, Dame Denise L'Estrange-Corbet, who led a workshop to create some beautiful cards to gift to friends and whānau these holidays.

A group of our Auckland members descended on a trove of paint, glitter, stamps, and tinsel under guidance from the legendary fashion designer. The result was a lot of fun, a wonderful mess, and some unique, gorgeous cards that will be treasured by those lucky enough to receive them.

Of course, we couldn’t let the kids leave without some gifts of their own. Thanks to our friends at Holdson, each card-maker received a special present to go under their Christmas tree (or be ripped open on the car ride home).

Thanks so much to Dame Denise for leading such a wonderful event, and sincere appreciation to our excellent volunteers: Viv, Trevor, Brett, and Harry. And, of course, to all the families who came out and made the day such a blast!

UpsideDowns Education Trust