For supporters
How you can help
"Children who have Down syndrome face complicated challenges in mastering and using speech, language, and communication skills. With the right opportunities and support, they can develop communication skills that help them to make relationships and socialise, communicate wishes, needs, and aspiration, and use language effectively as a tool in all sorts of situations." - Leela Baksi, 2006
You can help UpsideDowns to provide children with Down syndrome with these life-changing opportunities. There are lots of ways to help! Click on the links below to be a part of our work.
One Percent Collective
If you'd like to set up a regular donation to UpsideDowns, One Percent Collective is a great way to do it! Simply follow the link below and choose UpsideDowns as your charity.
You can donate any amount you like and it will come straight to us by clicking the link below or by bank transfer to 12-3040-0710182-00. All donations over $5 are tax deductible.
Become a corporate partner
Is your business looking for a great cause to be a part of? Are you looking for new ways to grow your brand and make a positive change in your community? Get in touch today!
If you have a special skill that you think would help us in any way, or would like to be a part of some of our fundraising events, please get in touch with us.