Giving a voice to kids with Down syndrome

UpsideDowns News

The latest news from UpsideDowns

Farewell Sarah and Tom

Outgoing CEO Sarah Paterson-Hamlin hugs Board Chairperson Chris Steenson

This month, the UpsideDowns team, families, and supporters gathered at our Avondale headquarters to bid farewell to two valuable members of our whānau: Chief Executive (and dishwasher) Dr Sarah Hamlin-Paterson and Board Member Tom Pedlar.

Incoming CEP Victoria receives laptop from Sarah

Incoming CEO Victoria Smith receives the ceremonial laptop from Sarah

Anyone who has interacted with UpsideDowns in the past five-and-a-half years knows Sarah. Her passion, creativity, and integrity have shaped UpsideDowns into the great organisation it is today. While we’re very sad to see Sarah go, we take some comfort knowing she leaves us to continue making the community a better place as a newly elected member of Auckland Council’s Whau Local Board.

Tom holds an envelope with his name on it

Tom Pedlar receives his parting gift with signature enthusiasm

You might know Tom as the nation’s (unofficial) best MC, hosting many of UpsideDowns’ successful fundraising events with cheek and charm. What many don’t get to see is the tireless work Tom has contributed as an innovative and level-headed member of the UpsideDowns Board of Trustees, helping steer the organisation for almost a decade.   

UpsideDowns group shot

Chris, Sarah, Board Members Abhi Sridhara and Trevor Alborough in a very candid group shot

We’ll miss these two talented individuals greatly (we’ve made them both promise to keep showing up for UpsideDowns events!) and wish them all the best in their future projects.

Adrian Hatwell